
A mentor is a small word which carries a lot of weight. The impact a mentor carries is enough to make a crippling dent or inspire you to great heights.

Generally, mentors are not appointed by us, more likely than not, forced upon us. For example, our superiors, immediate or otherwise, people around us and who dictate to us.On certain occasions, we may have the privilege to choose but more often than not, the ones we choose will end up our idol.

Mentors work in close proximity with us. We can exchange ideas and thoughts, agree or disagree but ultimately we have to obey. It is this obedience that shapes us into what and who we become.

Unfortunately,the majority of elected mentors are self-absorbed and have only their own interests at heart, therefore subjecting us to a very warped 'ideal'.

I have had the good fortune to be guided by some very inspiring mentors. They have led by example, walked the talk and given me the space to grow. By growing, I mean learning through experience, some less pleasant than others and yet been there to see me through, trusting that I have benefited from the experience and doing the right thing. It is this growing experience that is most important, for if we never experience the pain, and sometimes shame, of failure, how can we enjoy the sweet taste of success?

One particular mentor who taught me well, gave me insight to her success. A long distant view of the broader picture helps bring perspective to the little tasks we slog at. Sometimes, in the mundane course of our daily tasks, we tend to ask, 'why me?' or 'how can little old me help?' Well, when you realise that all that you work at, no matter how menial your task may be, is a fragment of a bigger picture, you WILL realise how important your role is. A simple illustration is how a tiny jigsaw piece in a 1000 piece jigsaw is important, for the portrait is rendered incomplete and useless without that one little piece, should it go missing.

Perhaps the key is to remove oneself from the equation completely. Know that you are important but that others are more important and that the task ahead is most important. That way, great things can be achieved. It seems so simple and yet is difficult to grasp. Every ship must have only one captain. When that captain is sure and focused, the ship sails on target and the crew follow willingly. However, if the captain has hidden and personal agendas, with only self at heart, others will clamour to be captain and things will crumble only too quickly with the crew all led astray.

At some point, the mentee will become a mentor. This is how the circle of life continues. When one takes up that torch of mentoring, know that your role shapes the future that the younger generation will inherit. Mentoring is a monumental task. If you are one of the privileged, make that journey worthwhile and let your guidance leave a lasting impression!


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