Get out more!

It's great to get out and see the world cos after a while, cobwebs tend to cloud your mind and your world as you know it starts feeling a little crowded.

Today, was a day to relax and heal and I did just that.

Wonderful to remember that the world doesn't start and end at Sri Aman. Even though my burdens seem overwhelming, it's great to see other people's problem every once in a while to better appreciate the little weight we have.

The best part of it is how people still seem to exude a love for what they do even though they are bogged down by their individual problems.
I hope my love for my job still comes through as love. Not dread.
Cos I truly love what I do and appreciate my students and friends.

Someone said to me that they didn't feel useful and had to pack up and go.
I hope I never feel that and people don't feel that about me. Do you?

I realise that I have only been out once this entire year so spring cleaning is a must.
Let's start afresh and with renewed energy.
Thanks for the encouragement folks. Pls keep up the positive vibes in the cbox below.


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