He's 12!
My eldest is 12 today. The final year of childhood per se before the teenage years.
I'm really proud of him because he is the ultimate 'kor kor' who always gives in to the younger ones and never hits back. He is a sensible boy who is able to rationalise beyond his age and always takes other people's feelings into consideration. My other two are on the opposite ends of the yard stick, probably because kor kor has spoiled them, allowed them privileges they didn't deserve and loved them more than they realise. I only have to look at the others to see how mature my little boy is.
Yet, this is the stage I fear.
Not because I am losing him.
Nor because he is growing up.
I see how my neighbour has yelling matches daily with her 15 year old and it scares me.
I cannot bear the thought of my son shouting at me or vice versa.
Nor can I bear the silent wars that may rage.
I have a healthy relationship with him now. He tells me a lot of stuff and we have always been open. Yet, we have, in our own ways, little secrets that are privy to ourselves.
To all the teenagers reading this, tell me how you communicate with your parents. Or even, why and what makes you stop communicating?
I think I have a pretty healthy and open relationship with my students, but, and this is a very BIG but, they are not my own.
Will my relationship with my own child be able to remain as open?
I surely pray it will.
I know how you feel...I have the same thoughts about my kids too. I'm hoping we will have a good relationship.