A thin line..

Over the last few weeks, I have noticed through observations that there are people who choose to be lazy. Their laziness doesn't only pertain to physical stuff like picking up after themselves or looking after things that belong to them, but also mental laziness such as can't be bothered to think, or to care.

This disease, if left unchecked becomes a habit that is hard to break and results in putting out a hand constantly to wait for handouts or even for 'manna' to fall from the heavens.

Upon closer inspection, I have enquired and found out, much to my amazement, that some such lazy people actually desire to be useful people sometime in their lives. They expect to miraculously turn into useful people by not studying, not learning, not practising and by not putting any effort into the tasks ahead. How naive! Or dare I say How stupid?

I cannot and WILL not ever understand how some people get to this stage. Waiting to receive instead of getting off their tooshies to work for whatever they want. How can anyone expect all their desires to materialise from thin air? This attitude is plain SELFISH! I absolutely abhor this and it irritates me to the core. Left unchecked this problem will seep through all teens and result in useless citizens who will just wait to be handed everything under the sun.

How can one be too lazy to read? too lazy to think? too lazy to do?
Why not be too lazy to eat, to sleep, to bathe and to breathe?
Then we would have less mouths to feed, and waste less tax-payer's hard-earned money giving aid to people who just can't be bothered to make good of a life given by God.

I have always maintained that there are no stupid people - just lazy ones.
Seems there is a thin line between stupid and plain lazy.
Perhaps I was wrong.


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