The road not taken

I have recently come to a crossroad - or maybe a fork. And I had to make decision that would shape my career.

I have often ranted about how I hate paperwork. And that I want to return to being an ORDINARY teacher. However, I know it is not ever possible unless I move to another school and lay low. SO having made a reputation for myself here, I have to say I do not ever wish to return to the Discipline board. Not that I have anything against them in the first place. It has always been about me. I know I can do it - but I don't want to. Half of me thinks that I was placed there to fulfil a subconscious dream of mine as well as to keep me in check, since I am of the rebellious kind. LOL

No matter, been there, done that and I do not intend to go there again.

I am happier being in the English Panel and dealing with my 12 colleagues instead of with parents who think their babies can do no wrong.

In short this decision was not hard to make. I know what I want. Leave me be and I will work as well as I have been. And until the next challenge comes along, I will stay on my grassy side of the path.

Thank you very much.


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