Living in a hive

Imagine a beehive if you will.

Everything is a buzz. Constant movement. A steady level of noise. And as you watch from the sidelines, you will deduce that there is an ultimate goal that the little bees are working towards. Just watching all this gives you the omnipresent feeling - Godlike really.

So it is when a big team is working towards one goal or many little goals heading to that one ultimate goal. And in every society there are many mini Napoleons who are answerable to the top honcho. As long as the top honcho is genuine and works for the better good, all will be well.

My focus is the mini Napoleon. There may be a few. Each mini Napoleon is ruled by different characteristics and agendas. This is where things get interesting.

In my little world, there are 8 of them. One is loud, jovial and affable. Another is a walking grump while yet another is like a reed, wavering in the wind but occasionally inserting a little force. Also, we have those who believe in projecting the 'yes sir' image but really is of no or very little substance. Then there are those who quietly lead, unperturbed by the noise around them. Let's not forget the last type which are sticklers for the written law and perfectionists, making their minions' lives a hell.

These mini Napoleons exist in every society. In one way or another, in varying degrees, these people can either make or break your day, on a daily basis. Their behaviour is subject to many factors. One of it being the fact that they have the power which they either use or abuse. If they find that you are easily bullied into submission, they will give it a try. If they find that you can be an ally, they will make you one. However, if they find you to be just like them, they will view you as a threat, only because they have realised that they cannot control you.

Power. Control. Domination.

The force behind those three words determine the kind of leader one becomes.

Perhaps we should bear these in mind.

One cannot be a leader if one has no followers.

What good is a leader if all who 'follow' cower at the mere sound of your voice?
What good is a leader when the sound of your voice invokes disdain, distrust and disgust?
What good is a leader when the sight of you repels?

Lead because you are capable.
Be upstanding and accountable for all your decisions or indecisions.
Listen carefully before you jump to conclusion.
Rule with the head by all means but don't forget we have heart.
Take time to be human.

We are, after all, human.


  1. :)
    I believe you're a wonderful leader, if only you take that step.


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