A Saturday all to myself

This will be the first weekend that is entirely my own in the whole of April.

I have been so wrapped up in work this whole month that short of an earthquake, I don't want to be anywhere near Section 14 for the next 48 hours. Tonight doesn't count of course.

And speaking of tonight, it's the night we get to dress up and go out, all the Literature girls and I. Can't wait. We're off to watch a showcase of Shakespeare's works. I hope this event will inspire my girls to love Literature more and to understand how it seeps into and grows from us, manisfested in our daily lives. I guess I'm trying to say that when we love Literature, we love life and all that it has to offer us. To quote one of my girls, if life throws you lemons, make ice lemon tea or lemonade. So when your outlook is wider and open, life's challenges, no matter how daunting, is seen as being part and parcel of the greater picture and it makes us a better and stronger person somehow.

A little birdie told me though that someone who was forced away and plonked into a situation she is not happy to be in, has decided to look at it negatively and is subsequently very down, maybe to the point of giving up on life. I hope and pray that this someone will NOT let it change her life for the worse because when one gives up hope - what else is left?
Let us rise up and above the challenges thrown in our faces.
Let us throw it back at life and come out undefeated, scathed and bruised but ultimately stronger for having tried and educated for having learned.
We are only as strong as we want to be, and it has been proven that man is an extremely resilient creature.
So my encouragement to you and all who read this is to stand strong, be strong, and rise to the challenge.

Yay, it's the weekend!!!


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