
It's odd when one has been an independent soul for too long a time to suddenly realise one is actually part of a team.

Even more odd when the team is powerful.

Today when all were busy pretending to be busy and learning stuff stuffed down their throats, I led a team who were energetic, exuding positive vibes and were learning to gel together.
It made me ecstatic and proud.
Proud not only to lead such a team but to BE part of that team.
I think (and pray) we are finding ourselves heading down the same road, with the same goal and maybe, just maybe, people are realising that I am no longer a threat to their professional personality.
I am - me. I want the best for others. Be it student or colleague. I have never wanted to usurp anyone's post or position.
If you know me, you WILL know I just want to be left alone, to do the stuff I love best - teaching.
Having said that, I am not a doormat for you to step on nor to wipe your feet on.
So let me not find out that I have misplaced my trust or else, you will find an enemy at your doorstep.

But I digress, today I accomplished and discovered something important.


And I am satisfied.


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