Puteri Isyatur Radhiyah M....
Today was was of the best assemblies ever - in tribute to all who aspire to be teachers - it is one vocation where we can stay young all the time.
I really don't know how to explain what happened BUT my pal Puteri is really a funny character. Funny har har not weird ok? I love being with her when I'm down cos she cheers me up and we seem to share the same wave length when assessing characteristics. So to my pal -
How people expect teachers to sing a song they had never heard of is absolutely ridiculous. But teachers being teachers are the best actresses ever - as proven in this episode. Pretend and you'll get by - so if you're ever in a fix - just fake it like us professionals. And if you think today was good - just wait till the actual Teacher's Day celebration cos she's got something fantastic lined up.
So be there or be square!
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