If you have ever been taught by me, you would know by now that the question most often asked in my classes is WHY?
I guess this is cos most Malaysians like to make a comment without truly thinking of the consequences or thinking thru before answering so when posed with this question, they really have to ponder and think.
So my question for today is why do students act so surprised that teachers read their blogs?
Is a blog not meant to be read? Then why blog?
Isn't it great to be able to know more abt your friends thru their blogs?
Take a step back and laugh. Ppl like/hate you enough to write abt you. Guess you've affected them somehow.

Ok to my Taekwondo Demo team and Edurace team KUDOS!
Thanks for your enthusiasm and passion, it is very refreshing and a pleasure to have you on my team.

Hopefully, next week will be smooth.


  1. teacher! ive got a whole post for you up on my blog. it adds to your post too. :)

  2. Hey teacher!
    I'm not surprised that teachers read it but I'm surprised that they have the TIME to do so. Hahaha! But hey, no one's stopping you and continue reading mine! :D :D :D

  3. hey pn su! fahimah here :D it's fun that you have a blog. looking forward to "stalk" you :P

  4. hey teacher!!just here to say HI!!=D

  5. well teacher, it's just that it never crossed my mind that my teacher will read my blog.. we're fine to let people our age read our thoughts, but when it comes to adults we know, we think it's the end of the world.

    srsly, the last thing on my mind when i set up my blog was that my teachers would be reading it. i was so wrong. D:

    oh yeah.. HI PUAN SU! *spazzflails*

  6. Heeelllloooo pn su ! :D


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